Mind and intellect
Nayaya Philosophy took the mind or intellect totally different from the mind of Samkhayas. Samlhya concept of mind is eternal while Naya took it as non-eternal. For Samkya mind is a comic principle independent of self and meant to account for the existence of the light of reasoning in the whole universe. Nayaya took it as subjective activity of thought in the acquisition of knowledge or in the lighting up and appreciating of the inert impressions received by the senses. This knowledge can come to an end and vanish by forgetfulness while an eternal essence like the mind of Samkhya, though it may ignored can never be destroyed. Nayaya declared clearly that nor does knowledge belong to the manas which is but the instrument of knowledge, it arises from the conjunction of atman (soul) with manas and on the other side of mana with indriyas (senses).Manas is the true instrument and the wielder of an axe must be someone different from it. But Lokayat, the India...