
Showing posts with the label Miscellaneous

‘Abode of bliss as perfect as my own body’

  The Bengal Tantra maintained that human body is the micro organism of the universe and therefore they maintained their body as the universe faces the laws of nature. They face seasons as the universe faces the law of season and they maintained that as the universe remain peace and quiet so their body should attain the silence and quietness. M.M Bose in Post Chaitanya Sahjiya Cults of Bengal Calcutta 1855 stated- “The most important of all things is one’s own body.” “And Thou should attain peace only when the mystery of the body is known to thee.” “One who knows the mystery of one’s own body.” “Is the most wise one; this is the message of all the scriptures. “ The body is the basis of all the disciplines.” Here (within this body) is the Ganga and the Yamuna, here the Ganga- Sagara, Prayaga, Kashi, here the sun and the moon, Here are all the sacred places- the pithas and the upapithas. I have never seen a place of pilgrimage and an abode of bliss as perfect as my ow...

Know thy Self

How universe is created   The philosophy started in India with the only key word of ‘know they self’ knowing your self is the knowledge which turns as touchstone and provide liberation to the soul from this life of misery, the main theme of Hindu philosophy on which the religion came out and known as ‘sanatan Dharma’.   There is no example of any sought that made us believe that Vedic people had any type of temples and offerings to the gods, “ The culture that built no temples but worshiped  nature sprits with simple sacrificial rites” Aryan rule in India by Havell.   The Hindu religion started with the pure philosophical thoughts and raised questions to know the absolute and reality first hand rather than worshiping without applying any reason, “There was then neither what is nor what not (truth) is. There was neither sky nor the heaven which is beyond what covered? Where was it, and in whose shelter? Was the water the deep abyss in which it lay? There wa...

Hindu Tantrism- not an occult

  They believe only in the power of nature and liberation is to overpower the rules of nature. They do not feel cold even in snowfall or hunger even after keeping fasts for long-long months. This class is fascinated by the nature of Lord Shiva who is known as a destroyer of the world in the system of Hindu religion. But scholars point out that this sect is not associated with any Hindu philosophy,   “ Tantrism is neither Buddhist nor Hindu in origin. It seems to be a religious undercurrent originally independent of any abstruse metaphysical speculation, flowing on from an obscure point of time in the religious history of India, ” Dasgupta in Obscure religious cult page 27.   He further added, “ Side by side with the commonly known theological speculations and religious practices, there has been flowing in India asimportant undercurrent of esoteric yogic practices from a pretty old time. These esoteric practices, when associated with the theological speculations of the...

What desire can god have?

  “Some say that creation is the expression (Vibhuti) of god;  Others maintain that it is like a dream (Swapan) or an illusion (Maya) by god; Some believes that it is the will (Icchha) of god; Others declare that it proceeds from time (Kala); Others say that it is for god’s enjoyment (Bhoga); While others maintain that it is god’s sport (krida);   But it appears to be so-  what desire can god have who has realized all desires? In fact there is no creation at all; if this world of plurality really existed it will surely come to an end. Duality is only an appearance, non-duality is the real truth. Reality is non-organisation. It always remains the same. Causality is therefore impossibility. It cannot be proved that Samsara (Creation) is without a beginning but has an end. That which exists neither in beginning nor in the end cannot exist in the middle also”—Gaudpada   Gaudpada wrote famous Mandukya Karika, a doctrine of non-dualism an...

Are Hindus pessimistic?

    “ As men learned more about the world they found themselves ever less capable of expressing to their educated fellowmen what it was that they had learned. The gap between life and knowledge grew wider and wider’ those who governed could not understand, those who thought and those who wanted to know could not understand them, those who knew ” realized Will Durant in the preface of the Story of Philosophy. The topic is borrowed from Max Muller who was the first to work on the concept of pessimism in Hindus. Max Muller in Six system of Indian philosophy found that, “ All Indian philosophies have been charged with pessimism and in some case such a charge may seem well founded, but not all. ” He again added further, “ Indian philosophers are by no means dwelling for ever on the miseries of life. They are not always whining and protesting that life is not worth living.” Certainly, taking that world as unreal and only liberation is real, means that philosophy is indicating...

Big Bang theory and Vedas

Big Bang theory and Vedas ‘There was neither existence         nor non-existence’ Science came out to explain the evolution of universe with the theory (literary theory) of ‘big bang’ explaining that before ‘big bang’ there was neither the concept of time nor space and categorically there was nothing.  Cosmos, according to scientists, was a singular and then there was ‘big bang’ about 13.8 billion years ago and just after that there was inflation and later at present universe is expanding with the speed of light and the observable universe is having an edge as horizon event.   Science explains that before ‘big bang’ there was nothing exists and there was no matter or energy and therefore there was nothing before the ‘big bang.’   ‘Big bang’ is the theory that explains that everything in the cosmos started with the one bang of a singular particle and then cosmos started and therefore there is space, time, matter, energy and living things ...

We are our own enemy

We are our own enemy An action without desiring result, whatever you do, you will have no single feeling of un-success, neither feeling of revenge nor you have any expectations from the work or from yourself.  This will help you to remain calm, the action which performed with the desire of result leads you in pressure and therefore before performing the act you have pre-deposit that the result will be according to the act, and fear of failing to get the desired result, that leads you to frustration. The substance like desire, frustration, expectations, sorrow, and pity all affects the body and the blood pressure changes with such feelings that affect not only our psychology but also our body. Every time, every minute we all run after our desires to fulfil anyhow. Even in sleeps, our calculation move from one equation to another, we want to reach the point to fulfill our desire. Desires and hopes are the reason of sorrow and frustration. Our thinking affects o...

Nishkama karma

Is Nishkama karma scientific and practical? What is the use of nishkama karma ? How this theory works and what actually the principle of theory of action and where it leads to individual and to society? Yes, everyone these days are talking about yoga, there are babas on televisions showing different sit-ups and how to inhale and exhale the breath nowadays, even politicians are talking about yoga and its importance, and they are practicing it to overcome the stress and tension. Yoga came from the word ‘ yog’ which means adding, adding the soul and body together in one knot, and bringing symphony in life. It can also help us to keep fit both, mentally and physically, it is good to practice such exercises but this is not Yoga. When Samkhya, who propounded the philosophy of dualism, two separate entities and two separate essence material and consciousness then how it is possible to add two different elements together with different nature. Therefore Yoga is not adding ...