‘Abode of bliss as perfect as my own body’
The Bengal Tantra maintained that human body is the micro organism of the universe and therefore they maintained their body as the universe faces the laws of nature. They face seasons as the universe faces the law of season and they maintained that as the universe remain peace and quiet so their body should attain the silence and quietness. M.M Bose in Post Chaitanya Sahjiya Cults of Bengal Calcutta 1855 stated- “The most important of all things is one’s own body.” “And Thou should attain peace only when the mystery of the body is known to thee.” “One who knows the mystery of one’s own body.” “Is the most wise one; this is the message of all the scriptures. “ The body is the basis of all the disciplines.” Here (within this body) is the Ganga and the Yamuna, here the Ganga- Sagara, Prayaga, Kashi, here the sun and the moon, Here are all the sacred places- the pithas and the upapithas. I have never seen a place of pilgrimage and an abode of bliss as perfect as my ow...