What is Hindu Tantrism ?

They believe only in the power of nature and liberation is to overpower the rules of nature. They do not feel cold even in snowfall or hunger even after keeping fasts for long-long months. This class is fascinated by the nature of Lord Shiva who is known as a destroyer of the world in the system of Hindu religion. But scholars point out that this sect is not associated with any Hindu philosophy, “ Tantrism is neither Buddhist nor Hindu in origin. It seems to be a religious undercurrent originally independent of any abstruse metaphysical speculation, flowing on from an obscure point of time in the religious history of India, ” Dasgupta in Obscure religious cult page 27. He further added, “ Side by side with the commonly known theological speculations and religious practices, there has been flowing in India asimportant undercurrent of esoteric yogic practices from a pretty old time. These esoteric practices, when associated with the theological speculations of t...