Jainism – What is Reality?
It is real as well as unreal and - It is universal as well as particular. - It is permanent as well as momentary. - It is one as well as many. Reality has infinite aspects which are all relative and Reality has infinite aspects which are all relative and we can know only some of these aspects all our judgements Syadvada or Sapta Bhangi Naya is the theory of relativity of knowledge. It means dialectic of the seven steps or the theory of seven fold judgement. The word Syad, literally means probable, perhaps may be and sayadvada is sometimes translated as the theory of probability or the doctrine of may be. But it is not in the literal sense of probability that the word syad is used here. Probability, suggests scepticism and Jainism is not scepticism sometimes the word syad is translated as somehow but this too smacks of agnostici...