“He, the self- the atman- of whom many are not even able to hear”
Nachiketa the story of Upnishad The story of Katha Upanishad of Yagur Veda famously known and narrated in Hindus for hundreds of years known as Nachiketa . The story signifies way of life, rituals, and customs and most importantly the rationality of Hindu thoughts in past of this land. Through narration of the story and the sketch was given that Hindu even in past were rational and understand the meaning of life. The story also emphasise the need of spiritualism on material world. There was a Brahmin named Vagassarvas and he conducted Havana on very large scale and promised to give everything as sacrifices to get heavenly rewards. The Havana was conducted and hundreds of Brahmins participated and there was food and prayers everywhere. When the Havana was over, Vagassarvas started giving everything of his belongings, first to different gods through Havana and later his left over belongings to priests and people that came to attend and participate in the Havana. ...