‘We suffer every day and every time for unreality ‘


About 2 thousand and 5 hundred years ago, Gautam Buddha discovered the Concept of suffering, cause of suffering and the golden rule to cease the suffering. For Buddhist, suffering is manifests within the conscious. Gautam Buddha after dwelling so many years found the concept of suffering in society and developed the methods to cease that suffering in lifetime.

But still, after 2 thousand and 5 hundred years, the suffering prevails and people are suffering. They are not suffering but have reason or cause for suffering and they do not know how to cease this suffering. Mind it, suffering is different from pain or anguish. Present, theories suggest that suffering is the part of life and without suffering people have no life left. Suffering is there because people want to suffer. They want suffering to understand the existence of their own in their own sphere. Suffering therefore prevails as much true as the life prevails on the earth.

Hindu philosophy, emphasized mostly on the concept of suffering and to cease this suffering. Western philosophy, mostly turn towards ethical and better life. They wanted better rules for the society to cease or decreased suffering. God is the touch stone who bless us to remove suffering.

Then, what is suffering? Suffering is mental, physical, astronomical or a punishment of God. Suffering really exist, or suffering is the manifestation of our own thoughts, or suffering is the result of our past deeds that come in the result of fruits. Every individual, early morning to late night, trying to overcome the suffering which was discovered by Gautam Buddha about 2 thousand and 5 hundred years ago. People went to temple seeking blessing to remove suffering, people going to saints for blessing to overcome suffering, people attending yoga classes to cease suffering or people spending money lavishly to remove suffering from life.

Is it true, that rich people suffer less and suffering treasurer is in the fate of poor? Is struggling is suffering or grief on the death of beloved one is suffering? Suffering is because we perform low or suffering is because we unable to earn good money? Suffering is an insult or suffering is having bodily problems? Almost, everyone in this world is suffering and they have their own causes of suffering, reasons of suffering and they move for different remedies to cease this suffering without knowing the cause of their own suffering.

Now Buddhism states, suffering is klesha varana which leads to all types of suffering. It is because of the false notion of the reality of the individual subject. Suffering is Jneya barana which seems to real in nation of the object and because of false notion of the reality of external objects.

Buddhist described suffering as taking wrongly the reality of ourself and taking wrongly the reality of objects. We suffer because we attached to the wrong concept of self and objects and that leads to greed, ego, anger, anguish, greed, frustration and unrest. Buddhist give the prescription of coming out from the suffering and that is through Trimshika.

According to Buddhist, reality is pure consciousness and this reality on account of its inherent power, suffered through three folds modification in consciousness. First is Vipika which is a store house of consciousness where the seeds of all phenomena are present. Here the universal consciousness manifest into two forms- it takes the form of an individual subject or ego and it also manifests itself in the form of various mental states and external objects. Consciousness manifests itself into subject as well as into object. It arises out of its own seeds and then it manifests itself as an external object. Therefore, Buddha said that there are two bases of cognition- internal and external. By knowing this, one realized that there is no personal ego and that there are no external objects as both are only manifestation of consciousness.

Buddha said that pure consciousness is indescribable and cannot be directly realized. Consciousness cannot be conceived by intellect. The idea of pure consciousness conceived by limited though with the help of its category of existence and is also unreal. Pure consciousness cannot be grasped by intellect as an object but this do not mean that pure consciousness does not exist.

Perception too, cannot guarantee the existence of external objects because the awareness is the same even in the dream and in the perception, there is a double moon. Memory too does not imply the perception of an external object but only its consciousness. Before we are fully awake, we cannot know that the dream object was unreal. Things seen in dreams are unreal.

The worldly people are slumbering in ignorance and they do not realize as long as they are under the infatuation of ignorance. The world does not really exist and it s only when true knowledge comes, the fact that reality is only pure consciousness.



  1. According to Sri Krishna this world is "Dhukalaya" meaning the world of suffering. Unless you surrender to god this cant be stopped. We need to realize our true self. Nice article you have explained well.

    1. Thanks a lot, but in Samkhya, there is no God, only self and only knowledge of true self is mukti. Thanks


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