How Human grasp knowledge?


The demand of philosophical theory, is according to time and place and as man has nothing permanent immutable principle, there adherent nature, therefore , judge, the different perspectives of the concept to reject or regret, at particular point of time. And, therefore we find, changing perspective of the absolute.

History too, supports it, by giving the brief account of rise and fall of civilisations of everywhere, and, this rise and fall of civilisations depends upon the variation of ‘principle function’ which, gives out behaviour, in a form of prevailed mentality. Now, what we want to signify with the term ‘principle function’ is that the changing character in principle of man in a way of function and in this fluctuating function, the principle occupies revulsion stage at specific point of time, is prevailing mentality.

In the pre-Buddhistic India, revulsion appeared in principle function, by proclaiming of purely materialistic doctrines, it must have arise as a protest against the excessive monkdom of the Brahman priests, and with this, prevailing mentality too, alerted by ignoring ritualism and idealism of Upnisads. The prevailing mentality, narrowed and broader with rise and fall of civilisations, the mind which grasp knowledge sometimes become so sharp that it took the sensitive speculation of a thing and sometimes it dump like nothing.

Sir Auorbindo in ‘Human cycle’ remarked, “We read always our own mentality into that of these ancient forefathers and it is therefore that we can find in them nothing but imaginative barbarian.”  Therefore, to understand yours principle about any concept I have to look through yours perspective.

The investigation of the desire, to know, shows that the continued accumulation, both telescopic and microscopic, of new data for the mind to reflect upon ma differently. Thus, thinkers of different temperaments, differently conditioned by education and environment, undertake the task of interoperating the behaviour of the world. 

The deepest cleavage seems to be between those who are on the whole inclined to be swayed in their thinking by disinterested curiosity and those who are inclined to be governed on the while by moral and religious motives. The evidence from which or conclusions are drawn is always accumulating and changing, so our principle function may also be expected to change in response to altered practical conditions-----as indeed they have changed in the past, different economic, social, moral and religious interests and preference have come and gone--- creating in their transit, the ideal worlds they demanded that our curiosity should disclose and verify in the actual world of their experience.  Thus, principle function is the variation of principles in man and reason for this variation and change, we can commonly find, are, environmental and educational factors related to ethos and prevailing mentality,

Now, turning towards actinic nation of man, to live with accordance of true knowledge, we, then in a series to proceed, have to locate the instruments for grasping the that though called knowledge to the man like other animals- struggle to survive is a basic instinct of hunger, thrust, sleep but intellect which seems more suitable to divide or distinguish man from animal is different way of grasping the knowledge through senses and later then inferring the information received from senses.

It is not merely different of principle function that man is grasping differently at different time but also a matter of how man perceives and how man conceives. Two men sitting on the sea shore perceiving same sea waves and same setting of sun. Here the perceptions of two men are similar but one cannot bet that the conception of both men sitting on the sea shore perceiving sun set and sea waves are same. The first man can think the beauty of  sea waves and setting of the sun but the second man is depressed that as sun set lives of everyone will be end in the same way and that sea waves is a time that left nothing behind.

Epistemologically speaking, theory of grasping knowledge cannot be static as the earth or the sun or the Milky Way galaxy or even the universe is never ever at rest and static. Therefore for human being knowledge of early morning cannot be same as the knowledge of late evening. The grasping of knowledge depends purely on the concept of what one perceives and what one conceives.

And if knowledge of perception and conception would have been same than all students sitting in a same class hearing the lecture of a teacher conceived in a same way and  therefore there would never had any different of opinion.

Philosophy gave chance to understand the world and surroundings and stopping at one point cannot be the whole knowledge as E Husserl in Phenomenology cleared that  simply taking the transcendental consciousness is to set the limits of all possible knowledge.

Man wants to know the nature of the Absolute, and for this, we have to study the instruments occupied by man to know. It is to found that how man comes to know?  For this we have to understand how man is made up of?


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