
‘Abode of bliss as perfect as my own body’

  The Bengal Tantra maintained that human body is the micro organism of the universe and therefore they maintained their body as the universe faces the laws of nature. They face seasons as the universe faces the law of season and they maintained that as the universe remain peace and quiet so their body should attain the silence and quietness. M.M Bose in Post Chaitanya Sahjiya Cults of Bengal Calcutta 1855 stated- “The most important of all things is one’s own body.” “And Thou should attain peace only when the mystery of the body is known to thee.” “One who knows the mystery of one’s own body.” “Is the most wise one; this is the message of all the scriptures. “ The body is the basis of all the disciplines.” Here (within this body) is the Ganga and the Yamuna, here the Ganga- Sagara, Prayaga, Kashi, here the sun and the moon, Here are all the sacred places- the pithas and the upapithas. I have never seen a place of pilgrimage and an abode of bliss as perfect as my own bo

Bhangarh fort – not haunted but unexplained science

  Kshitiz Gaur In last so many years, I was getting videos and articles on different social media about the HAUNTED FORT in Rajasthan ‘Bhangarh’. I was curious to see this fort because the more the information about ghosts coming on social sites the more rumours I was hearing about it. I searched on Google about the Bhangarh fort and there were same stories of ghosts and haunted place. Being a student of logic and reasoning, I had the desire to witness the real ghost, ghost that is royal and still living in a fort of Rajasthan.   There were stories that whoever remained inside the fort after evening will not be found alive.   Another story emerged that a group of youths tried to remain inside the fort after evening and next morning they all were found dead on the main gate. Another story came that a group of people went inside a cellar of the found had not returned back.   The most interesting story was of the curse and that no one can construct a roof in the premises of the

Hindu families and Covid-19

  India is developing, struggling and emerging but even the greatness of India is the Hindu family system. The system that moves according to the tradition and it is joint family fabric of life, the first institution of society. Though changes are seen with emerging nuclear families in metro cities but still majority is a joint family and therefore during joblessness or inflation or depression, every family member stood up to hand each other during Covid-19. Hindu family pattern and relations is the interesting topic I encountered during studying Hindu Philosophy. Certainly, Hindu family system in one of the unique and important institution that make the fabric of society.   For Hindus families, relations and relatives of relatives are the major part of everyone. Despite reading and understanding Hindu families I encountered these families during the time of Covid-19.   Just because of Hindu pattern of family people had not came out on roads at the time of lock down as it was witne

Romance in Vedic age

  Vedic Age was the important period in Indian history because that was the era that decided what India should be in future and what at present India is and that is because of the conflict and tussle of two streams different and opposite of that time.  Vedic Age was not as simple as it is seen in the ancient history chapters with development of Gram Sabha and recitation of Vedic Mantras. Middle Vedic Age was the period when the conflict came out on highest between Vedic spiritual way of life and Charvaka materialism. The Vedic life was composed of discipline, purity, logic, education and social development and on other hand another stream was flowing was Charvaka- essence of science, material, objectivity and development of engineering.  Vedic ideology maintains that inference is also a source of knowledge but Charvaka was adamant only on perception as source of knowledge. The Vedic Age was the conflict and fight of these two different ideology and therefore people of Vedic Age that we

Laali: Podróż kobiety w poszukiwaniu transcendentalnej miłości

 Historia niepiśmiennej kobiety Radżastanu w Indiach, która w swojej podróży po znalezieniu transcendentnej miłości uświadamia sobie, że małżeństwo nie jest tylko odpowiedzią. Po zerwaniu małżeństwa próbuje kilka żyć w związkach, aby znaleźć prawdziwą miłość. Wie, że uczucie transcendentalnej miłości, miłości wykraczającej poza logikę i rozumowanie, istnieje i zaczyna poszukiwać sensu miłości, podczas swojej podróży stara się zrozumieć zasady hinduskiej religii i filozofii, aby zrozumieć rzeczywistość i prawdę, które fabrykują społeczeństwo, aby żyć zgodnie z właściwą wiedzą.