Hindu Thoughts & Applied Philosophy

Hindu Thoughts & Applied Philosophy


Socrates advanced- “Philosophy is what, which serves the humankind, is to be served and spread, but, if it is not what I believe then ruin it into dust.” Socrates seems to be speaking about the subject philosophy on the line of American pragmatism, evaluating the usefulness of the truth and hurl the subject in dustbin if it is found useless.

Socrates meant the practicality of the subject in the manner it should serve humanity and prove the validity of the subject by its great richness. The assertion truly advises the usefulness of the subject.

But Socrates was neither pragmatic in concept nor in character and his statement about ruining the subject into dust shows his confidence in self that philosophy is the only subject that serves the mankind.

The statement seems that Socrates threw the challenge to opponents, very boldly, and his statement was somewhat similar to the proclamation that as sciences and technologies these days are serving to make lives of humankind better, so is philosophy.

Therefore, Socrates was confident of Philosophy to serve the mankind and societies, but now, at present, the confidence of Socrates, on Philosophy, has become week and vague and requires revaluation and there are thinkers who are working hard to find the spirit of Philosophy with the same sense in which Socrates uttered those words in his age.

 Truly, Socrates took the subject philosophy as the touchstone of civilization because for him, philosophy is a subject of reasoning, thinking, ideas, speculation and questioning irrationally. For him only the thoughtful process can uplift the self, the humanity, the society and the civilization.

Logical analysis is the only method for happiness and therefore Socrates accepted his unwarranted death by advancing logic to his friends who wanted his freedom by an escape. And testing the words of Socrates, truly, histories of different civilizations proved that philosophy made societies better and provided reasoning and knowledge which was the key of development of different civilizations in the world.

Philosophy helped in straight thinking and kept the superstitions in control and in limits with the scientific approach and with moral values of civilizations.

The Indian context too mostly used philosophy, ‘Darshan’ as the light that turns the darkness away. Katha Upnishad ( chapter II-5) stated, “Those who are wrapped up in imperfect knowledge, fancy themselves alone wise and learned, they wander about floundering and deceived, like blind man led by the man who is himself blind” Indian soil, for thousands of years made sense of philosophy with the only blueprint that true knowledge is the only key of life.

The ultimate liberation is possible only by right knowledge and therefore philosophy in India spread and was practiced thousands of years with deep speculation and questioning the existence.

Even the theories within Rig Vedas were altered to such limit that numbers of Nature gods were changed in later versions of the text. The civilization of Hindus flourished and so the economy and literature during golden age of Gupta period because philosophy was the base of culture, religion and life and that philosophy was not marching on some particular thought, making a rigid principles restricting man in a circle of thinking but a process of flowing thought process.

Philosophy here was a static phenomenon and flowed continuously without adamancy of accepting a rigid concept keeping away the reasoning. The subject went so deep that Hindu philosophers talked about knowledge and only true knowledge and also proving knowledge and its’ sources and the valid presentation of knowledge. It was the continuous efforts and freedom of thought which was witnessed at large that at that time that even unorthodox treaties- which challenged Vedas- were accepted greatly and kingdoms accepted it as a state principle and religion. Certainly, the advancement of philosophy in India limited the scope of religion and superstition in certain period of time when philosophical thoughts flourished freely and dogmas were too in control.

Even in west, the philosophy was the greatest weapon used during revolution against the Church and reasoning and innovation was the base of developing America with the perspective of new dimensions. Philosophy, in broader sense is not a particular school of thought or ϴ theory of single school but a continuous process to develop the method of speculation within self and to deduct the right from the different options. The epistemological part develops concept and concepts made ethical and moral life of a particular society in large.

Philosophy trained minds for independent thinking without prejudice or pre-deposit of situations. Maintaining any principle with open eyes and judging every perspective provided, keeping the mind away from any settled faith or belief. But philosophy now is in a challenged mode and in this era when scientific approaches shaped to abstract theories and philosophy is pushed hard towards the wall because science is explaining how the world is formed and what human body is.

And therefore philosophy, abandoned, pushed, solitary forced to remain attached with the religion, values and culture. Irony is that the subject philosophy that fought against illogic and superstitions in India has now become a part and a tool of dogmas and superstitions. Religious orators are using philosophy not in a scientific or in a literature sense but abusing it to settle the religious rules in the society according to them.

Again the prevailing satire is that religious metaphysics are settled on the basis of philosophy which was already disapproved by the science. The literature that used metaphors to describe the characters of religion and epics are now taken as real sense without understanding the theme of the concept. Religion orators are forcing society to believe that Hindu philosophies made these notions for betterment of the society. The aim of philosophy that provided the goal for society to live accordance with truth is now turned to self benefits and blessings of almighty.

It is not acceptable in wider sense, the commandant of Vedas that ‘Not all are eligible to learn Vedas’. It was taken up many times as a craft of Brahmans to keep everyone away from education and from knowledge but in philosophical sense, the eligibility is required to study and understand the philosophy as now in India, story tellers are masters of none and preaching religion quoting Vedas as philosophy of Hindus but in reality they do not understand the soul of Vedas.

Learning Vedas was restricted to some castes but it was not banned for common mass, there are examples like Valmiki, of lower social group who turned to seer and learned every concept of Hindu philosophy and written the Ramayana- the great epic. The question in true sense, at that time, the eligibility of learning Vedic concept was not even allowed to every Brahmin and only mature minds were required to understand the true nature of Vedic philosophy. Even children of Brahmans had to go through the basics of learning before turning to Vedas and mind it, not all Brahmans were eligible to study Vedas as there were clear cut examples from Hindu literature. Certainly, at present, for disappointing Socrates, philosophy is waste and even in the era of technology, people have become more and more superstitious, more religious and more irrational.

And therefore philosophy is a waste and demanding the command of Socrates to follow to ruin the subject. The religion, at present, practice in India has no shadow of the real image of Hindu religion and there are more new cults and more sects and more gods came out which were never ever heard in the past of this Hindu race.

If any Vedic priest, supposed, come down again from anywhere and unknown place of the sky and witness such religion, custom and rituals of religion, will feel that he has dropped to an alien land.

Undoubtedly, things have to change with time and so the religion and customs and rituals have changed but still, the base of such changes has to be philosophical. It does not mean that walking on the same route every time and maintaining old treatises without giving an ear of reasoning but whatever has to prevail should have reasoning and logic.

If god only shower blessings on Hindu race, then what about the theory of karma (action) which is the base of Hindu theology. And when god can do miracles then there is no good and bad action in concept and therefore the Hindu philosophy that advanced on principle of action should be ruined to agree with Socrates.

The new stream of applied philosophy has been started in some western countries in which subjects such as bio-ethics and leadership science, philosophy of mind is included in syllabus in some universities but the Hindu philosophy has not yet made in an applied sense to initiate the use of such treasurer of the world.

There are different streams integrated in Indian philosophy which had scientific reasoning and essence of bettering the society. There are still subjects like Buddhist logic, Nayaya reasoning, Mimansaka ϭϭ ethics, Vedic environment studies, administration of Arthshastra and many, many other branches which need to be explore. Habit of reasonable thinking and logical analysis required as the base of education, especially in philosophy, rather than the system of cramming and obtaining grades in every standard of school or colleges.

The philosophy of Hindus required to develop the humanity and to provide a perspective to live again in accordance with true knowledge.


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