Nishkama karma

Is Nishkama karma scientific and practical?

What is the use of nishkama karma? How this theory works and what actually the principle of theory of action and where it leads to individual and to society?

Yes, everyone these days are talking about yoga, there are babas on televisions showing different sit-ups and how to inhale and exhale the breath nowadays, even politicians are talking about yoga and its importance, and they are practicing it to overcome the stress and tension.

Yoga came from the word ‘yog’ which means adding, adding the soul and body together in one knot, and bringing symphony in life. It can also help us to keep fit both, mentally and physically, it is good to practice such exercises but this is not Yoga.

When Samkhya, who propounded the philosophy of dualism, two separate entities and two separate essence material and consciousness then how it is possible to add two different elements together with different nature. Therefore Yoga is not adding two things which are different in terms like, it is like asking to add numerical number one and alphabet B or to add fire and water.

The real yoga that Lord Krishna taught is based on the Patanjali Yoga sutra, the great seer of India who invented the science of mine and body. It is a practical philosophy, things which we all perform are aasanas (sit-ups and postures) which are one of the part of Ashtangayoga (eight fold yoga) Performing such activities are useful to step ahead towards the real yoga.  It prepares our body and soul to have symphony and make them one but this is not a complete yoga.

Every religion and every philosophy have a mode of meditation, meditation is concentrating the consciousness at one place, it is not true that only India had the mode of meditation but China, Egypt, Roman and other cultures and civilizations and religions too have meditation theory. In Islam, the prayer is a medium of meditation in which devotee concentrated on the unknown and unseen lord. The concept of mediation is simple, it is to concentrate. And the Yoga is also one of the refined forms of concentration and meditation.
The real meaning of yoga is ‘chit vratinirodh’ which means cessation of modification in the heart or in the mind. We think many things and these thoughts make us happy and sad and angry and calm and frustrated and greedy. These thinking are like waves which come and go and swirl the silent water of the ocean and bring tides.

Sometimes, there tides are so high that it washes every part of the shore, the more the force of tide, the more destruction at shore. Similarly, the forceful thought or emotion disturbed the silent mind or heart and the forceful thought disturb and bring destruction to the body. 

These modification changes our state of mind and therefore the calmness which we have to maintain is lost and so we suffers. The yoga is a technique to control the modification of mind it is a method to make the consciousness steady like a flame of a candle that litters neither right or nor in left but steady, upward, undisturbed and concentrated. The yoga made our mind steady and cessation of any thought in the mind is yoga.”

Yoga is the stage when we cease every type of modification in our heart and remain as calm as the water in the pot, without stirring any wave in the water, so calm that we can see our real self in it. If you stir the water then we cannot found our real image in the water, the image that emerge in that disturbed water is distracted one and show that how much we are disturb.  
But if the water is calm and still we find the real image in it, and so is our heart and mind, when they are calm and still we find the real image of our self and of this world. But if it is disturbed we calculate wrong about our self and also of this world. The calmness of the mind shows us that the soul is different from the material world, there are two identities existing together which is consciousness and material.


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