Simulation hypothesis and Maya
Simulation hypothesis
and Maya
Kshitiz Gaur
Simulation hypothesis, a theory of illusions and a concept of virtual
reality is the major subject discussed mostly after the universe is explored in
last many decades.
Is the world really and really an illusion? A dream, a virtual as
like of the video game, the moment you are playing game, you become a part of that
game and involved in it as becoming of part and after the game end, it came out
that the game was not reality.
Later the simulation theory developed into digital illusion as the
internet or the computers that created profile and events, the artificial simulation
or a computer simulation.
The concept that took the illusion world as real leading to sceptical
theory of life as Nick Bostrom suggested the epistemological formation is based
on perception and lead to nowhere as like of science fiction. Scientific groups quote Rationalist Rene Descartes
that came up that one day we realize that the real world is like a dream and one
day we found that the perceptions of that real world is false as one found the dream
vanish as soon as he awake.
Bostrom went ahead and added that the cosmos, the universe which
is observable is only a part of the big whole a reality in part and not a fundamental
Shanker in Advaita Vedanta talks about cosmic illusion. The Maya,
not really illusion but the force that create phenomena, a force that wrap reality,
the wrong knowledge that hinders the self to know the reality.
Shanker was the one who work more on wrong knowledge than ignorance.
For him ignorance is taking the rope as snake and on that premises making the concept
of things. Ignorance is that we unable to see the rope while knowledge is taking
the rope as rope but wrong knowledge is taking the rope as snake. Shanker defined
the simulation in a traditional method of a blind man mislead by blind man. Appearance
as reality, taking for granted.
Interestingly, the simulation is the own inner world that is different
from real world, our creation, a virtual game, every day we play inside us the inner
world is complex, which is our creation, god never asked you to think bad about
the man standing on the gate. My son does not serve me or brought gift for me
therefore he is obeying his wife and neglecting his parents are such feeling
which emerged from our own world and therefore we are responsible for the short
coming of this our real world. Having our own calculation according to our
inner world is a fallacy of logic and deducting wrong premises to conclude
The inner world formed because we
have the power like analyst and calculate every fact with different
perspective, the calculation depends on the stage of our knowledge and also on
the stage of our standing. We count on these facts several times from every
angle and from every perspective and at last accept the best conclusion which
suits us according to our wishes and our desires. The inner world is the power
of our own thinking; it is like dreaming in sleep.
The real world is different, the
real world is governed by the principle of nature. The real world does not have
feelings or emotions but only karmas, action, how we do things and what we do.
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