Know thy Self

How universe is created


The philosophy started in India with the only key word of ‘know they self’ knowing your self is the knowledge which turns as touchstone and provide liberation to the soul from this life of misery, the main theme of Hindu philosophy on which the religion came out and known as ‘sanatan Dharma’.

 There is no example of any sought that made us believe that Vedic people had any type of temples and offerings to the gods, “The culture that built no temples but worshiped nature sprits with simple sacrificial rites” Aryan rule in India by Havell.

 The Hindu religion started with the pure philosophical thoughts and raised questions to know the absolute and reality first hand rather than worshiping without applying any reason,

“There was then neither what is nor what not (truth) is. There was neither sky nor the heaven which is beyond what covered? Where was it, and in whose shelter? Was the water the deep abyss in which it lay? There was no death hence was there nothing immortal. There was no light and even distinction between day and night. That one breathed by itself without breath, other than it there has been nothing. Darkness there was, in the beginning all this was a sea, without light, the germ that lay covered by the husk, that one was born by the power of heat (Tapas). Love overcomes it in the beginning which was the seed springing from mind; poets having searched in their heart and found by wisdom the bond of what is in what is not. Their ray which was stretch across was it below or was it above?

There were seeds, because there was power, self power below and will above, who then knows, who has declared it here, from whence was born this creation, the gods came latter than this creation who then know whence it arose. He from whom the creation arose whether he made it or didn’t make it the highest seer in the highest heaven, he for sooth knows or does even he not know,” Nasadiya Hymans RVx 81 2 to 4.

 This Hyman is known as the seed of Hindu religion in which it directly stated the condition of gods that they had not created the world and neither they are responsible of creating creature. Even the supreme power sitting in the highest heaven is aware of this creation is doubted. That which made it clear about the creation in this codified lyric, a base of Hindu philosophy is that power of heat is recognized for the creation of living things (Talking similar to science).

 India has developed with great pace in last fifty years and so the religion and so the superstitions and so the science and technology, making lives of the people of this vast sub-continent smooth and better. Almost every villager is having mobile phone and almost every youth is having a bike or automobile. Now more soft drinks are available in small and remote villages than a cup of milk. Technology reached to the grassroots of this country faster than the reasoning and logic moves in society. The growing disbelief in the gods of natural religion has destroyed the old standard of morality.


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