Where would people be without faith?


Worshiping any god is not superstition and worshiping and offering prayers is also not illogical as faith does not accept reasoning but following symbolism of religion blindly, certainly leads to absurdity.

 India is the land where philosophy germinated for thousands of years and provided logic and reasoning for the balance life and certainly where religion was similar to deeds and moral and knowledge.

 Christopher Hitchens in, God is not great on page 184 states, “The argument that religious belief improves people, or that it helps to civilize society, is one that people tend to bring up when they have exhausted the rest of their case. Very well, they seem to say, we cease to insist on the Exodus (say), or the virgin birth or even the resurrection, or the “night flight” from Mecca to Jerusalem.

 But where would people be without faith? Would they not abandon themselves to every kind of license and selfishness? Is it not true, as G K Chesterton once famously said that if people cease to believe in god, they do not believe in nothing but anything.”And Christopher explained that it nonetheless helped teach the children the difference between right and wrong, “In other words, to believe in a god is in one way to express a willingness to believe in anything. Whereas to reject the belief is by no means to profess belief in nothing.


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