Hindu Atman (soul) and star dust
Research in science is clearing with a theory that we, human being, atom, animals and everything came from ‘star dust’ and will go back to start dust . The cycle of becoming nothing, something and everything is the phenomena that advancing steps of cosmology and providing a prism of what actual we the human beings are. Advancement and quest to know the universe is also providing an idea what actually we are and from where we have come from.
The old Hindu philosophy worked hard on the concept of know they self especially in Chandogaya, Mandukya and Katha Upnisads and stated that self is immortal, self is luminous, self proved and beyond any doubt. The self is not body, senses or the internal organs. It is also to a product of matter, It is also not a bunch of qualities.
Ramanuja of Dvaita Vedanta tilted something towards unknown, toward the god- He makes our body as the temple of god and of the voice of god within us as like of Saint Paul, “That we live and move and have our being in God.” And the Alvar saints made Bhakti as the main source of salvation. These saints were from Southern part of India where the culture was different from Aryans, they were called Dravidians and their philosophy was complete devotion to god. The concept was that devotee forgets everything, even his existence in devotion and god was the supreme that take cares of this world and of human beings. And therefore ritual like Devdasis, girls who had to serve these gods in temples throughout their lives was practiced at large in Southern part. “The one god who runs through all beings, who is all pervasive and who is the immanent inner controller of all beings is the supreme reality. There is nothing greater than He. There is nothing external to Him, He fill the whole universe. The Taittriya tells that all beings arise from him, live in him and return to this Brahman” ShriBhasya, III.
Ramanuja tilted the concept of soul as an attribute or mode of god and forms part of his body. It is a spiritual substance and absolutely real but different from god. Ramanuja insists that the Karma should be performed in an absolutely disinterested manner simply to please god. The oldest philosophical school, Samkhya, took dual theory of self with two independent identity of Pursa (soul) and Prakarti (nature) Pursa is pure conscious, eternal and real, knower and mind (Buddhi) is different from soul which is intellect which is subjective or psychological senses. The mind manifests thing like virtue, knowledge and others. The other aspect of Samkha is ego (Ahmkar) is defined as assumption or misconception.
The Indian philosophy went so deep to characterize the substances which work on their nature. The Pursa always remain after as well as before his release until the final liberation which is only by the true knowledge But the transmigration continue of Pursa and it is like clothed in what called Linga- Sarira or subtle body but pura is real and true self when attained the knowledge.
The idea of subtle body by the seeing of gross body is very natural and it was also common in Greeks, Pythagoras claimed that subtle ethereal clothing for the soul apart from its clothing when united with the body. Vedanta took this thin and transparent (Sukshma Sarira) soul as a seminal or potential power and at the time of death leaves the corpus without being injured itself. The function of Yoga is subduing away of the self from all that is not self, in the highest object of this philosophy, by ascetic exercises delivering the self from the fetters of the body and the body senses.
Nayaya declared clearly that nor does knowledge belong to the manas which is but the instrument of knowledge, it arises from the conjunction of atman (soul) with manas and on the other side of mana with indriyas (senses).Manas is the true instrument and the wielder of an axe must be someone different from it.
The greatest philosophy in India prevailed at the time of Buddhism and Vasubandu goes into more detailed when he confronted the existence of pure conscience (Vignaptimatra) with inherent power. This potential attribute with its force perform threefold modification, first of all it manifest itself as Vipaka or alayavijana which is a store house of consciousness. Then this universal consciousness further manifests itself into two forms, it takes the form of an individual subject or ego (Klista Manovijinana) and secondly it manifests itself in the formal the various mental states and of the external objects (Visaya- Vijnapti) .
In Indian schools, memory had not got the limelight as it was deserved and it was treated as a means of knowledge then it falls under experience which is either immediate or mediate. Every experience is supposed to leave an impression or modification of the mind which is capable of being revived. Another manifestation of memory is the act of remembering and recognizing.
And Leibniz took it further and said that body is only an aggregate of bare monads in which human body is a machine of infinite complexity unlike ordinary machine. It is an organism in which every part is an organic force. And though the aggregate mirrors change of all other monads of this universe and more clearly than others, this queen monad by virtue of its superiority in the aggregate many are termed as soul. As soon as conscious desire for the movement of the hands occur.
But time went more rational and pragmatics found their theory upon the revelation of sense experiences. The study of consciousness took them to far different from conclusions that experience is not made up of separable discrete date filled together like the bites of a mosaic into a pattern. On the contrary it is flowing and continuous affair in which there are no cracks and joints in a shape of spatial or temporal. Things shade and merge into one another in space and as well in time. Nothing is self contained, everything has to spill over. It is continually into what we call things or substance. The curdled spots melt and run at the edges into a liquid transitive stuff which thickens immediately into some new substantive aspect. The content of consciousness then though infinitely multiple and varied is one and not many as empiricist taught, is a physiology of mind according to James William.
But what empiricist hold, Locke, whose method was primarily psychological and mind is passive in the reception of simple ideas and when the mind becomes active then complex ideas generated. Hume came with different view and said that this is a system of different perceptions or different existence which are linked together by the relation of cause and effect and mutually produce, destroy, influence and modify each other. Our impressions rise to their correspondent ideas and these ideas in their turn produces other impressions.
In Psychology formerly mind is regarded as essentially reasonable and moral, its moral and rational aspects say the whole story. But in advance psychology the traditional cosmologies have collapsed and there are stirrings of something new in their place the ideal descriptions of man as the rational animal are now more commonly replaced by the picture of man as irrational impulsive and emotional. The gist of this philosophy is that in psychology we are to rely wholly upon the external observations and never to accept data for which the evidence is entirely derived from introspection. The mellifluous survey by empirical and modern thinkers on mind as in the faculty of psychology, not only in describes the functions and nature of mind but also study as a flow of mental events of mind. The expositions of sensations, impressions, memory etc are found as the property of mind whose nature is to induct deduct compare as functions.
Socrates also persistently advocated the supreme necessity to know the self. How much Nietzsche was popular, no matter but his problem was genuine for him in the will to power, Vol. II book III pg 18, “One would have to know what being is in order to be able to decide whether this or that is real.”
The dependence of soul on body does not meant that soul is a physical body but like Pythagoreans or Democritus, the existence of soul is a harmony of the body. Aristotle adds that soul is the entire vital principle of any organism, its power and process of life. He further distinguished plant and animal by nutritive, locomotive powers and also a power of reason and thought.
Stoic went differently and said that man is a microcosm or small edition of the universe as the universe is the macrocosm of man. They further stated that just as the universe, man is both body and soul and the soul is the part of universal soul. The western philosophers were agreed that the soul is the major center of reasoning and thinking and the thrust is to know the right.
Physical events and processes occur and mental events and processes occur and there is relation of events and processes to each other, David Hume said, “There are some philosophers who imagine, we are every moment intimately conscious of what we call our self, that we feel its existence and its continuance in existence,-- for my part, when I enter most intimately into what I call myself, I always stumble on some particular perception or other of hear of cold, light or shade, love or hatred, pain or pleasure, In ever can catch myself at anytime without a perception and never can observe anything but the perception.”
Plato or Samkra, soul and body makes man where soul is essentially have the property of conscious that is, of awareness and the relation of soul to the body is derived mainly as a driver to the vehicle.
But later when science developed and so the theory related to mind and body came with new perspectives, John Hospers in an introduction to philosophical analysis made a remarkable categorization of mind –body relationship the inter-action-ism theory of commonsense said that physical events are caused because of mental events and vice versa, a blow in the head (physical event) feel pain (mental event) every time physical stimulus causes something to registered in consciousness and even feeling of fear (mental event) causes hear beat faster( physical event) . John Hospers.
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