Now Hindu thoughts is a subject of story tellers

 Basically, Hindu philosophy, at present, is the subject of story tellers and the sphere went limited with the smell of mysticism. Common mass really do not know what flourished in this Hindu land in relation to knowledge but they are confident that their forefathers and their fathers were certainly wise people and given the best of knowledge to their coming generations, they know about the reality and even believed that those seers also met god or several gods who blessed them with wealth and prosperity and asked them to devote themselves to god or gods for better lives.

 And present Hindu race is proud of the treasure their ancestors left and proud of their culture and tag of being oldest civilization in the world, but certainly they do not know what is left by them is not utilize by this generation, the matrix of thinking and speculation is kept locked in the boxes and this race is repeating only the words which are heard in religious sermons. The present race do not know what and how the life was in the past and what knowledge their ancestors dwelled and passed to them.

Someone in the mass emerged and declares that gods lived on this land and discovered nectar from the ocean and whole race clapped and feels happy and proud that they belonged to such an important race. The ultimate present race is in search of gaining everything, the method is spiritual but the aim is material. The idealism is used to gain pragmatism. The race called themselves as spiritualist but practice religion to get the divine blessing to attain wealth, power and position. But real Hindu philosophy was contrary to such present prevailing thoughts, “This is not mine. This is not myself. This is not what I am” (Majjhima Nik_ya I, 130).


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