There was no crusade and no religious battle in Hindu race

Clear thinking and right action was the base of Hindu philosophy and knowledge was the only tool which helped liberation from suffering and pain. Philosophy schools progressively advanced on the theory of right conduct and right action and this concept shaped as religion for Hindu race to make their lives better because they had clear thinking about the concept of god.

 At present, India is developing but without attitude of reasoning, the neo- Hindu religion is making this race spiritually miserable. People are now feeding cows on roads to search peace and worshiping thousands of gods at a time to have showers of blessings. Philosophical attitude of this race has lost in the dust and thus luck and superstitions replaced the concept of karma.

 There was no crusade and no religious battle in Hindu race, there was no missionary or ecstasy of spreading god’s kingdom on earth. Life was simple. Right action and conduct was only source of good life and knowledge leads to liberation. But now importance of action replaced by practicing superstitions and worshiping thousands of gods without a single trace of past and therefore Hindu philosophy lost on this land and the religion turns to feeding cows on road to get prosperity.

 There are examples when the religion went rigid even in India blocking free thinking and logical aspersions were restricted in the past and therefore a rebel against those dogmas, religion and superstitions took place at the time of Mahveer of Jainism and Gautam of Buddhism and they emerged against excessive religion-ism. Unfortunately, their hardships are now turned to religion and their efforts of reasoning and logic at present turned to blindfold religions and now Mahaveer and Buddha are worshipped as gods and not like teachers who struggled against priesthood in Hindu society.

 Now, technology is making everything homogeneous from culture to language and creating lives to automata. Socrates was right that, Philosophy is what, serves the human kind, is to be served and spread. But if it is not what I believe then ruin it into dust.”For a common man, practically, philosophy is nothing more than the preaching of religious sermons or practicing secret rituals whose meaning they do not understand.

 For them, philosophy means god and only preaching the words of god. For common man, philosophy is not reasoning or logic but philosophy means following and accepting what was told long before, according to the suitability, a method to establish the religious deals, similar to the incident of Aristotle who used the word metaphysics and later it was taken as theology rather than ontology. The first cause of the creation becomes the ultimate final cause in every religion with nothing out from its sphere.

 Basically, philosophy, at present, is the subject of story tellers and the sphere went limited with the smell of mysticism. Common mass really do not know what flourished in this Hindu land in relation to knowledge but they are confident that their forefathers and their fathers were certainly wise people and given the best of knowledge to their coming generations, they know about the reality and even believed that those seers also met god or several gods who blessed them with wealth and prosperity and asked them to devote themselves to god or gods for better lives.

 And present Hindu race is proud of the treasure their ancestors left and proud of their culture and tag of being oldest civilization in the world, but certainly they do not know what is left by them is not utilize by this generation, the matrix of thinking and speculation is kept locked in the boxes and this race is repeating only the words which are heard in religious sermons. The present race do not know what and how the life was in the past and what knowledge their ancestors dwelled and passed to them.

 Someone in the mass emerged and declares that gods lived on this land and discovered nectar from the ocean and whole race clapped and feels happy and proud that they belonged to such an important race. The ultimate present race is in search of gaining everything, the method is spiritual but the aim is material. The idealism is used to gain pragmatism. The race called themselves as spiritualist but practice religion to get the divine blessing to attain wealth, power and position. But real Hindu philosophy was contrary to such present prevailing thoughts, This is not mine. This is not myself. This is not what I am (Majjhima Nik_ya I, 130).

 Philosophy, at present, is not science or mathematics but only stories of unseen and unknown god or gods. And even academically, philosophy is the study of different theories and schools, reciting and discussing their senses and left with nothing else as applying philosophy to make the society better. Truly, philosophy is not helping the present society for the betterment but is making things worse by helping to spread blind religion and visor superstitions. The confused theories about the philosophy and religion, made people more confused, though this race still feel proud of such stories. Once a profound story teller organized a press conference, he came to preach Hindu philosophy in one of the educated city of India.

 He stated on a question, “God is like ocean and we all are like drops of water and we will meet the god as our destination which is like droplet in the ocean.” And when he was asked by a journalist, “Is the concept of god and ataman (soul) is in monistic form or duality in reality,” the supporters of the reverend story teller emerged from background and took the journalist to another room and offered him an expensive gift with the request, “Let the show go on.

 The major problem with the present Hindu mass is that their present language is different to what was preached and spoken in the past. There were large number of languages and dialectics, they changed with the time and now it is hard to understand those meanings without a great research in etymology. There is not a single real literature that stated the Hindu philosophy for present common mass. There are actually thousands of translations of ancient literature of Hindu race and mostly these translations were made by religious people and not by philosophers. At present, the aim is to establish god by the ancient Hindu literature and not to advance reasonable society. These story tellers took the responsibility to spread the meaning of these translated literatures to common mass and came out with their own meanings. 

They know in reality that if they talk about reasoning and logic and common sense as the part of Hindu philosophy, people will not accept them as wise. The base of religion is important to explore faith of people and to allow them to follow their words. On the name of religion everything cooked is accepted to serve to the mass. The identification of learned and reverend wise is long beard, long hairs and wearing saffron clothes. But fortunately, the Gita Press Gorakhpur remained active for long years in translating Hindu literature and philosophy and ethics in Hindi and in English for common mass to understand some meaning of ancient literature.

 Visit any city of India and one can found that people are worshiping dozens of gods at one time and when they came to know that their neighbor recently is worshiping another god and blessed by that god in his profession or in business, he will certainly add that god in his team of gods and start worshiping one more god. Religion is prevailing and flourishing in this land, no doubt limitless like Vedic age where dozens of gods were worshipped at a time but what are lacking in present situation are the values of life and society. People are more superstitious, more religious but with less moral and ethical towards society. “Aryans have superior belief of spirituality and the concept was positive as the perceived god in all, animate and inanimate. The consciousness is there in every animal and even in plants” states India through the Ages page 9. And undoubtedly, even peace seekers from different countries are rushing to this place.

 The primary problem for philosophy is that, on one hand, man, the world and overall the different issues of life and living and on the other hand, several and different methods for philosophical acumen. From ancient to modern, from Plato to Carnep, Vedic to oriental, spiritualism, materialism, idealism and scepticism and more and more are exemplifying the change in thoughts of mankind, up and down, in an aggressive ocean, which is not at all looking calm since thousands of years and making different Philosophical Treaties more doubtful, the phenomena is that, a powerful theory strident at time and brought revolution in society and in civilization and that time other premises of philosophy remained dormant.

 Take for granted, that mankind has habit to grasp in different ways as of mystical or inferential but the homogeneous soul of ‘Philosophy’ for human, is to live a life in accordance to the true knowledge. And towards the ultimate aim, the epistemology manifests into Code of conduct for the society and for the common man. Clear thinking and right action is the base of Hindu ethics and knowledge is the only tool which helps liberation.


Mostly all philosophy schools advanced on right conduct and right action and this was the religion when in past, Hindu race made their lives better because they had clear thinking about the concept. The values were incarnated from childhood and there was no dispute on the issue that one has to respect the elder or veteran even he is unknown to the village. The duty was important than rights and even kings were bound to perform the duty, 

If I play the false, may I lose the merit of all my religious performances and gifts of my good deeds, my place my life and even my progeny an oath described in Artharveda for a king (VII-12)

And this is the only sphere left with philosophy to recreate the account of reasoning and thoughts to generate fruits for the mankind, who is equipped with the scientific knowledge but running for the soul to satisfy and accepting any distracted mode of meditation or defective course of Indian Yoga. 

And above all, ethics becomes fashion where people gather for charity not because for the betterment of present society but for improving their future lives which are still unanswered by science.


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