Maha Shivratri


Who is lord Shiva?

 for Hindus the Shiva is the Mahadeva who is lord of all lords and worshipped almost in every part of the country. The Shiva is as much as related to Himalayas as the god is related to the southern peninsula of India. The 12 Jyoti linga of Shiva is spread almost in every direction of the country. 

 Basically, Shiva is not described in the Rig Veda which is the foundation stone of Hindu race but only Pashupati Nath- one of the faces of Shiva is described well in the ancient Rig Veda. At present the temple of Pashupati Nath is in Nepal and renowned for Hindus. In post Vedic age when Spiritualism is making space in Hindu race at that time the lord Brahama and Vishnu came out to run the society and community who were creator and preserver. The Brahma Purana of Hindus described very well about the creation of this world when the Brahma opened his eyes and then the Usha (ray of light) came out and creation started. 

While the Brahma came out from naval of Vishnu who also came out from long deep sleep for creation. Later Shiva was added as the singularity from where everything creation to destruction came out. In basic words Shiva is described as singularity from where the creation started and later destroy and return to singularity which is Shiva. Shiva is the creator of creation and destroyer of destruction. The Shiva had no shape, no mass, no place and nothing which is “Nirakara” and this Shiva is the first cause of creation and only reason of destruction.

The Shiva is the reality of all reality and truth of all truth. The Shiva is the in everything and there is nothing without the Shiva. The Shiva is described as ultimate truth and ultimate reality without shape, smell, touch and taste. But later Shiva was transformed as Mahadeva that turned to be worldly who marry and get children. The Mahadeva was the need of time as because people of that time turning towards reality and towards Shiva and therefore it was pushing the civilization back. Shiva is having lot of names and stories in Hindus and Shiva is the ultimate reality who is usually found in the barren land and in isolation of Himalayas. 

 But when Hindus were divided into different sects namely Shakti, Vashvik the Shavik sect also emerged who came out with Shiv Purana, Shiv Sahinta and also prayers of Shiva and stories about him. The ultimate reality of the creation which is Shiva then later turned into Shanker who is more concern to the creation and more concern about this world. The Shanker is the one who is like other common people who is having family and children and He is more concern about the good and bad. The Shiva and Shanker is the one who is equally respected and worshiped by Deva, human, Danava, Rakshas, Kinners, Nagas (These were names given to groups of different communities who resided in particular region of India) Shiva is unbiased and love equally to all and therefore respected by all.

 Even Brahama and Vishnu went to Shiva for any dispute though it is cleared according to many texts that Shiva is not concerned on ethical setup or creating moral society in Hindus. For Shiva the Ravana- the Rakshas King is also beloved and so was the Rama- the lord in Ramayana. Shiva is not concerned but came out and emerged as helper to those who remember him. The Shavik sect also came out with the protocol of establishing temple of Shiva and also about the system of prayers. In the northern part, the Shiva is the one who lived in isolation but always came out to help devotees it is whether with Mahamritya Mantra (Ujjain) or helping the Moon with Somnath Temple (Gujarat) But in southern part of the country, Shiva emerged as a symbol of music, art and literature. 

Whether it is Tandav or Bharat Natyam or Kuchigudi or architect of Southern temples where Shiva is the symbol of master and the Shiva is the ultimate focus of students who were keen to learn music, dance and literature. The statue of Nataraj is famous all over the world in which the Shiva is symbolically shown dancing and the music in southern part of the country starts with the prayers of Shiva. Shiva is also related to wealth and during Sagar Manthan (churning of ocean) the wealth came out for Hindu race and there was fight between Devtas and Danava. 

When churning started the first thing that came out was poison and Shiva then gulp all the poison for the sake of creation and for people so that the wealth that will come out from the churning of ocean will make lives of people happy and prosperous. But basically, Shiva is undescribed and unattained force that is the creation and destroyer and both and Shiva is the concept where time of universe starts and time of the universe will end. 

Shiva is the concept which is reason of all reason and therefore in Shiva Purana Shiva was not described by any face or shape or anything but as Linga a pole that went and pass-through whole universe without the starting and without the end. And therefore Siva is singularity and oneness and everything and at same time n


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