
Showing posts from September, 2020

Hindu families and Covid-19

  India is developing, struggling and emerging but even the greatness of India is the Hindu family system. The system that moves according to the tradition and it is joint family fabric of life, the first institution of society. Though changes are seen with emerging nuclear families in metro cities but still majority is a joint family and therefore during joblessness or inflation or depression, every family member stood up to hand each other during Covid-19. Hindu family pattern and relations is the interesting topic I encountered during studying Hindu Philosophy. Certainly, Hindu family system in one of the unique and important institution that make the fabric of society.   For Hindus families, relations and relatives of relatives are the major part of everyone. Despite reading and understanding Hindu families I encountered these families during the time of Covid-19.   Just because of Hindu pattern of family people had not came out on roads at the time of lock down a...

Romance in Vedic age

  Vedic Age was the important period in Indian history because that was the era that decided what India should be in future and what at present India is and that is because of the conflict and tussle of two streams different and opposite of that time.  Vedic Age was not as simple as it is seen in the ancient history chapters with development of Gram Sabha and recitation of Vedic Mantras. Middle Vedic Age was the period when the conflict came out on highest between Vedic spiritual way of life and Charvaka materialism. The Vedic life was composed of discipline, purity, logic, education and social development and on other hand another stream was flowing was Charvaka- essence of science, material, objectivity and development of engineering.  Vedic ideology maintains that inference is also a source of knowledge but Charvaka was adamant only on perception as source of knowledge. The Vedic Age was the conflict and fight of these two different ideology and therefore people of Ved...

Laali: Podróż kobiety w poszukiwaniu transcendentalnej miłości

 Historia niepiśmiennej kobiety Radżastanu w Indiach, która w swojej podróży po znalezieniu transcendentnej miłości uświadamia sobie, że małżeństwo nie jest tylko odpowiedzią. Po zerwaniu małżeństwa próbuje kilka żyć w związkach, aby znaleźć prawdziwą miłość. Wie, że uczucie transcendentalnej miłości, miłości wykraczającej poza logikę i rozumowanie, istnieje i zaczyna poszukiwać sensu miłości, podczas swojej podróży stara się zrozumieć zasady hinduskiej religii i filozofii, aby zrozumieć rzeczywistość i prawdę, które fabrykują społeczeństwo, aby żyć zgodnie z właściwą wiedzą.

Laali: Le voyage d'une femme à la recherche d'un amour transcendantal

 L'histoire d'une femme analphabète du Rajasthan en Inde qui, dans son voyage pour trouver l'amour transcendantal, réalise que le mariage n'est pas seulement la réponse. Après la rupture de son mariage, elle essaie de vivre plusieurs relations pour trouver le véritable amour.  Elle sait que le sentiment d'amour transcendantal, un amour au-delà de la logique et du raisonnement, existe et elle commence à chercher le sens de l'amour, pendant son voyage, elle essaie de comprendre les principes de la religion et de la philosophie hindoues pour comprendre la réalité et la vérité qui fabrique la société pour vivre en accord avec la connaissance juste.

Laali: Een reis van een vrouw op zoek naar bovenzinnelijke liefde

 Een verhaal over een ongeletterde vrouw uit Rajasthan in India die zich in haar zoektocht naar bovenzinnelijke liefde realiseert dat het huwelijk niet alleen het antwoord is. Na haar verbroken huwelijk probeert ze een aantal levenslange relaties aan te gaan om de ware liefde te vinden. Ze weet dat het gevoel van bovenzinnelijke liefde,  een liefde die de logica en de redenering overstijgt, bestaat en ze begint te zoeken naar de betekenis van liefde, tijdens haar reis probeert ze de principes van de Hindoeïstische religie en filosofie te begrijpen om de realiteit en de waarheid te begrijpen die de maatschappij in elkaar steekt om te leven in overeenstemming met de juiste kennis.

Laali: A viagem de uma mulher em busca do amor transcendental

  A história de uma mulher analfabeta de Rajasthan, na Índia, que em sua jornada de busca do amor transcendental percebe que o casamento não é apenas a resposta. Depois de seu casamento rompido, ela tenta viver em várias relações para encontrar o verdadeiro amor.  Ela sabe que o sentimento de amor transcendental, um amor além da lógica e do raciocínio, existe e começa a procurar o significado do amor, durante sua jornada, ela tenta entender princípios da religião e da filosofia hindu para entender a realidade e a verdade que fabrica a sociedade para viver de acordo com o conhecimento correto.

Laali: Un viaje de una mujer en busca de un amor trascendental

 La historia de una mujer analfabeta de Rajastán, en la India, que en su viaje para encontrar el amor trascendental se da cuenta de que el matrimonio no es sólo la respuesta. Después de su matrimonio roto ella intenta varias relaciones en vivo para encontrar el amor verdadero.  Ella sabe que el sentimiento de amor trascendental, un amor más allá de la lógica y el razonamiento, existe y comienza a buscar el significado del amor, durante su viaje, trata de entender los principios de la religión y la filosofía hindú para comprender la realidad y la verdad que fabrica la sociedad para vivir de acuerdo con el conocimiento correcto.

Laali: Die Reise einer Frau auf der Suche nach transzendentaler Liebe

  Eine Geschichte einer Analphabetin aus Rajasthan in Indien, die auf ihrer Reise zur transzendentalen Liebe erkennt, dass die Ehe nicht nur die Antwort ist. Nach ihrer zerbrochenen Ehe versucht sie mehrere Leben in Beziehungen zu leben, um die wahre Liebe zu finden. Sie weiß, dass das Gefühl der transzendentalen Liebe, einer Liebe jenseits von Logik und Vernunft, existiert und sie beginnt, die Bedeutung der Liebe zu suchen. Während ihrer Reise versucht sie, die Prinzipien der hinduistischen Religion und Philosophie zu verstehen, um die Re alität und Wahrheit zu verstehen, die die Gesellschaft dazu bringt, in Übereinstimmung mit dem richtigen Wissen zu leben.Bei der Übersetzung dieses Buches wurde künstliche Intelligenz eingesetzt.

‘Free will’ to decide the path

  As a student, learning philosophy really give solace to self and happiness that certainly living a life in accordance with the reasoning is the right path to complete the time. Certainly, one has to live and the concept of ‘free will’ exists when one has to decide the option or path to take decision. The free will to choose and the free will to make decisions and we are also free to act according to the will. And this free will is depends on our decision making quality. We decide according to our knowledge and according to our reasoning and when it went wrong, we accuse the principle of luck or to the god’s will. The higher the reasoning the better the decision taking quality and therefore reasoning plays a vital role in living a good life.   Philosophy helps to open the blockages of mind and also made clearance on the concepts like religion and dogmas. Philosophy also helps to understand how great people grasp the soul of world and also helps us to remove misconceptions. ...

God showers blessing where women honoured

Hindu thought was the values embedded with religion that helped to move this Hindu society. These values were taught as religion, “ Where women are honoured, the gods showers the blessings. But where they are not honoured all acts are fruitless, (Yatr Naryastu Pujayanti, Ramante Tatr Devtah, Yatrtastu n pujayanti Sarwastrafla kirya) ” Manu Smriti III. There was no competition between different religions in India because religion for Hindus was not something to preach but to practice in society. Right conduct was the religion and therefore there was no need of extra stream of ethics in this race.

Now Hindu thoughts is a subject of story tellers

  Basically, Hindu philosophy, at present, is the subject of story tellers and the sphere went limited with the smell of mysticism. Common mass really do not know what flourished in this Hindu land in relation to knowledge but they are confident that their forefathers and their fathers were certainly wise people and given the best of knowledge to their coming generations, they know about the reality and even believed that those seers also met god or several gods who blessed them with wealth and prosperity and asked them to devote themselves to god or gods for better lives.   And present Hindu race is proud of the treasure their ancestors left and proud of their culture and tag of being oldest civilization in the world, but certainly they do not know what is left by them is not utilize by this generation, the matrix of thinking and speculation is kept locked in the boxes and this race is repeating only the words which are heard in religious sermons. The present race do not kn...

Worshiping thousands of gods but lost common sense

  The major problem with the present Hindu mass is that their present language is different to what was preached and spoken in the past. There were large number of languages and dialectics, they changed with the time and now it is hard to understand those meanings without a great research in etymology. There is not a single real literature that stated the Hindu philosophy for present common mass. There are actually thousands of translations of ancient literature of Hindu race and mostly these translations were made by religious people and not by philosophers. At present, the aim is to establish god by the ancient Hindu literature and not to advance reasonable society. These story tellers took the responsibility to spread the meaning of these translated literatures to common mass and came out with their own meanings. They know in reality that if they talk about reasoning and logic and common sense as the part of Hindu philosophy, people will not accept them as wise. The base of ...

Hindu Atman (soul) and star dust

  Research in science is clearing with a theory that we, human being, atom, animals and everything came from ‘star dust’ and will go back to start dust . The cycle of becoming nothing, something and everything is the phenomena that advancing steps of cosmology and providing a prism of what actual we the human beings are.   Advancement and quest to know the universe is also providing an idea what actually we are and from where we have come from.   In India, the thrust was to know self (Atman) and the true self. Indian philosophy is impressive in a way that it went deep in the topic to know self and the first question start ‘ who I am’ and ‘what is the right for me’ and ‘how I get the right knowledge’. Self remained in limelight in Hindus philosophy and the Apastamba-Sutras I, 8, 23, “ The Brahman (universal self) which is wise and recognizes all things to be in the Atman (self), who does not become bewildered when pondering on it.” In Vedas Atman (Self) is taken as brea...

Beggar in India is a millionaire in Bangladesh

  Beggar in India is a millionaire in Bangladesh Beggar in India is a millionaire in Bangladesh

Woman defies diktat of khap panchayat, fined  

Hindu Dharma now Religion

  There are also some of the superstitions which are borrowed from the ancient Hindu civilization and one of them is self torture (Hat Yoga). People nowadays think that by self torturing, god or gods will be happy. There are examples when devotees walk barefoot to the temple in high temperature or rolling on the road or reaching temple or temples by all way walking. They feel that by self torturing god will be happy to see his devotee suffering and it is like penance to pure the self. Majumdar state about post Vedic age and states, “ Another superstition was encouraging by the Brahmana priests among the people and that related to the practice of Tapas or self torture by which it was believed that both gods and men acquired spiritual insight and command over the forces of nature. Sitting between five fires or upon an ant head in the forest and standing upon one leg and holding an arm above head until its muscles were atrophied were considered to be the means of establishing mast...